Goda Indriunaite: 24, travelled 21 countries, native Lithuanian. Living around the world -Mexico, Morocco, France, UK. Studies at the University of Life and her main subjects are experiences, sensations, knowledge, friendships, love, adventures, challenges, happiness and beauty of life. Follow her on instagram: Instagram: @godaindre; and make sure to read her blog: https://godaindre.wordpress.com/

Travelling tips for first time solo travellers



What comes to my mind when I hear ‘Solo Traveling’ is FREEDOM. Freedom to enjoy the places on your own terms. Freedom to take the exact trip you want, and even if you’re not quite sure yet about the details, you will have all the time possible to figure it out.

  • Absolute freedom to do whatever you like — from choosing destinations or the ways to get there to the people you hang out with. Also, not having plans with someone else, and in that way being committed, gives you an opportunity to make random decisions or change your mind whenever you feel like. When a surprising opportunity arises, I can choose if I want to act on it without discussing it with anyone else.
  • Sometimes I really enjoy spending some time alone and when solo traveling, all the time is mine — for my sensations and reflections on them. For concentrating on the environment — what I see, what I hear and the most important, how I feel as a part of that.
  • I would say that when traveling alone it is easier to meet the locals as well as other travellers along the way. I may want to travel alone but that doesn’t mean that I always want to be alone. Traveling alone gives you a chance to choose when you want to be sociable and surrounded by people and when you feel like spending time alone.
  • Traveling solo has expanded my comfort zone and forced me to be less lazy, to work harder for my travels and get more from the experience. When traveling with someone else decisions are usually made together and responsibilities are shared. But, traveling solo, it’s all up to me.
  • Without the presence of family and friends who expect you to act in a certain way, you can be yourself more than at any other time. In general, I would say that one can be fully himself only alone, but more about this another time.


  • It is easier to feel confident in the uncomfortable situations with someone else’s present. However, when I overcome those situations alone, I feel proud of myself that I DID IT and I expanded my comfort zone once again.
  • It’s better to be with someone else in those dark moments of loneliness. However, I believe that life is much more beautiful when you learn how to be alone, but not lonely. And solo traveling is a perfect opportunity to do that.
  • Usually in the situations/activities requiring stepping out of your comfort zone like surfing, snorkelling, horse riding etc, I usually feel more comfortable to try it with someone else, especially in the countries where there are no fixed prices which requires a lot of negotiation. On the other hand, by doing that alone, the comfort zone expands way more, and the next times are much more comfortable.
  • In some certain places, especially with a great night life, it is way funnier to go out with someone else. However, from my experience I can say, that in this kind of places usually there are like-minded people looking for the same things.


Traveling with someone who you feel connection with and share the same way of discovering places. OR traveling alone with another solo traveller. In that case, you have all the advantages of traveling with someone else but at the same time you still have all the freedom to choose what you like or make random decisions without being committed to someone else


  • BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF and choose according to what you really want, what you really feel like. In that case, I believe, that you will always end up in the right places and meet ”your” people.
  • STOP OVER THINKING, especially when you feel tired. Sometimes the tiredness makes everything to seem dark, heavy, boring, and the worst thing, it makes you believe that it will always be this way. In that case, it is important to say ‘Stop’ to overthinking. Let yourself to rest and recharge (CHA! Not that easy as it sounds)
  • BELIEVE IN YOUR LUCK — feel it. See the positive things, for what you are grateful, even if it’s small, instead of concentrating on the negative ones.
  • STAY CALM, take your time. That’s one of the benefits of traveling alone — you’re not making anyone to wait for you, all the time is yours. If you feel confused, stop and think. Let yourself not to rush.
  • FEEL YOURSELF — what you want, how your body feels, what concerns your mind. Don’t push yourself too hard. It is your time, your trip and you can do whatever you want. Even if you feel like doing nothing, then do nothing — it is not necessary to visit all the touristic spots to do the ‘check’ on the imaginary list.




Written by NomadHer

We Empower Women Through Travelling. NomadHer is the #1 app for female globetrotters, to encourage solo travelling safely.

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