NomadHer Illustration Competition 2022 : She Can Travel Anywhere
NomadHer is the #1 application for female globetrotters encouraging safe solo travel. Our mission is “Empowering Women Through Travel”.
NomadHer opens an illustration competition for the official poster of the globetrotter festival 2022. This Oct, the Globetrotter festival for women travelers will be held in Seoul, Paris, San Fransisco, and New York. It is the opportunity to show your illustration all over the world. Over 15,000 women travelers from 178 countries in the community are waiting to see your great work now.
🌸 Competition theme
Subject: “She can travel anywhere”
NomadHer Illustration Competition 2022 invites all female illustrators who verify as NomadHer. Draw your illustration to encourage women travelers to start their trip with confidence and give inspiration.
🌸 Competition calendar
- Call for Submissions: Tuesday, Aug 30, 2022
- Entry Deadline: Sunday, Sep 25, 2022 (Paris local time)
- Vote for winners: Monday, Sep 26 ~ Thu, Sep 29, 2022 (4 days, Paris local time)
- On the NomadHer app, the votes will proceed for 2 days for each round(First round and final)
- Announcement for winners: Friday, 30 Sep 2022
👑1st Prize (1) : $500
👑2nd Prize (1) : $300
👑3rd Prize (1) : $200
- The first winner’s illustration will be an official poster for NomadHer globetrotter festival 2022 in Seoul, Paris, San Fransisco, and New York. and can be used as an app splash screen that all people who open the app to see in the first place(all winners one)
- To winners, the NomadHer team will contact them directly to receive the illustration file, and please keep in mind that the size and type of illustration can be requested to edit if it is needed after submitting the file. When you apply for this competition, we consider you agree with this. NomadHer team can contact and request the below 4 sizes of images later only to winners. : 375 × 812 / 750 × 1624 / 1125 × 2436 /1920 x 1080 (.png file)
🌸How to apply
✅ NomadHer Illustration Competition 2022 is open to all female illustrators who verify as a NomadHer. So if you download the NomadHer app and get verified, anyone can apply.
✅ This competition is to select an official poster for the NomadHer globetrotter festival. So feel free to use our brand colors when creating your illustration.
8 Brand colors of NomadHer
- Nomad Green : #169483
- Deep forest Green : #114440
- Sunset Red : #F97E87
- Sandstone : #FFF8F3
- Nomad Green Light : #99DED4
- Sunset Red Deep : #75394A
- Sunset Red Light : #F4BDC1
- Sunset Red Extra Light : #FAE4EB
✅ Fill out the Typeform link ( and submit your 1 illustration.
🌸 Criteria for selection
- The winners will be decided by a vote of women travelers on the NomadHer app.
- How to get more votes to win?
- After submitting your illustration through Typeform, we advise you to share your illustration with the behind story on the app like the winners of last year. It will be a good way to appeal to people.
- Get a chance to feature your illustration on NomadHer’s Instagram story. Upload your illustration on your Instagram with the mention @nomad_her and the tag #nomadher #nomadherillustrationcompetition #shecantravelanywhere.
- Show the vibe of “She can travel anywhere” to encourage women travelers to start their trip with confidence.
🌸 About copyright
When illustrators receive a reward from NomadHer for their illustration work, it regards as NomadHer having copyright for the illustration. Therefore NomadHer use, remake the illustration as uploading its social network service, homepage, application, guidebook, press release, goods, poster, and other material related to NomadHer’s future business The illustration should be original content and the submitted one is not returned. Submitted illustrations don’t violate others’ copyright. After being rewarded, if a legal issue occurs, the illustrator is legally responsible. the person who submits their illustration is regarded as agreeing with this. According to an illustration that is not selected, we will discard it. If you have more questions, please contact to NomadHer Team, at
More about NomadHer
NomadHer is an app for female globetrotters to encourage solo travelling safely. NomadHer has a vision of empowering women through travelling.
To join the community of female globetrotters, you can download NomadHer App on IOS & Android. Follow NomadHer on Instagram: @nomad_her.